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人原代细胞—— 人心房成纤维细胞英文说明:
Cryopreserved ampule of Normal Human Atrial Cardiac Fibroblasts (NHCF-A) containing ≥ 500,000 cells
Product Overview

Human Cardiac-Related Fibroblasts include Aortic Adventitial Fibroblasts (AoAF) isolated from the tunica external of the ascending or descending aorta and cardiac fibroblasts (NHCF-A and -V) isolated from the atrium or ventricle. Cells are isolated from normal, adult heart tissue. Cryopreserved cells are shipped at passage 2.

CloneticsTM NHCF-V & -A are guaranteed through 5 population doublings and express ≥90% collagen I and ≤10% Von Willibrand factor VIII after thaw. CloneticsTM AoAF are guaranteed through 10 population doublings and are negative for alpha smooth muscle actin. All cells test negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HIV-1, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are not detected for all donors and/or cell lots. A Certificate of Analysis (CoA) is provided for each cell lot purchased.


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长期供应 人心房成纤维细胞
更多LONZA人原代细胞、LONZA原代细胞培养基、LONZA原代细胞报价,欢迎点击右侧 在线咨询

版权所有:北京泽平科技有限责任公司   地址:北京市海淀区花园东路10号高德大厦606室

E-mail:sales@taopianyi.net 湘ICP备02384304号-1 网站建设:首企互联


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